DHS Kitchen Studio

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Nutty Whole Wheat Caramel Cake

A serious crowd pleaser with a healthy twist.

Once in a while a sweet treat is necessary is just what the doctor ordered. Of course, if you add a few ingredients that make that sweet treat a bit more healthy, the doctor will be a lot happier to prescribe such treats. Well, let’s all hope.

Whole wheat flour adds to the nutty warmth in every bite!

You will be loving this dessert, and so will everyone you share it with (sharing is optional of course), when you share that it is whole wheat! Best case scenario for cake, right! But of course it is sweeeeeet and so hearty! Tastes of honey, caramel and nuts are perfect for any occasion. Plus, the holidays are coming, and the flavors in this cake are perfect for the season. Spice it up a bit adding more cinnamon, some nutmeg and allspice to the dough!

There’s plenty of sweet teeth in my house, so I usually double… ok ok ok… I triple the Drizzle recipe. :)

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