
It all started when…

My husband and I uprooted our family from our hometown, in Honduras, to Mozambique of all places. We moved 13,629 kilometers away, to another continent, to a country we knew close to nothing about. We had to learn a new language, make new friends, find new schools and make a home, far away from home. We are actually very lucky. After more than ten years in this process, we have made incredible friends, adapted to an ever developing city, found ourselves calling Maputo our home, more often than not. And now we have moved to Tunisia, a wonderfully magical place we have yet to explore. We are in the midst of a global pandemic, while trying to navigate safely through all unknowns once more. It has been an adventure so far, for sure. Our children have grown up and have started to leave the nest, one by one. Albeit our glorious life is not without some collaterals. Without the ability to rejoin the work force as a trailing spouse, my passion for cooking took over my free time. I love the time I spend planning, preparing cooking and serving. And, with my husband’s tutelage, I am now enjoying a second passion. Food photography is just a new way for me to express that passion for everything food. 


Hi! My name is Doris and I’m here to share with you what I’ve learned in my studio, my kitchen. Stick around! There just may be something in here you’d like to try!