Rustic Griddle Bread


This is definitely not what you would think making bread looks like. But bear with me on this one. Sticky dough, doesn't hold its shape, messy and sloppy. Sounds like a kid's science experiment? 


Enter: Rustic Griddle Bread. A quick rise, stovetop, easy, get your hands dirty bread.  Plus! It is whole wheat! You can't go wrong with this recipe



Rustic Griddle Bread

Easy to make, stove top, quick bread. For those days when waiting is not an option!

Makes: 12 rolls


Prep time:

Cook time:


  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 Tbsp instant yeast (1 sachet)
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • more flour for dusting your countertop

  1. In a large bowl, mix the warm water with the sugar and instant yeast. Let this mixture rise for 5 minutes, until frothy on top **If the yeast does not become frothy, it means it has expired and your dough won’t rise… Time to buy new yeast!**
  2. Add the flours and the salt. Mix with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula. The dough will be very sticky! Don’t worry! Turn it onto a generously floured surface
  3. With the spatula, fold the dough onto itself a few times making sure you rake some of the countertop flour each time
  4. Cut into 10-12 pieces as best you can. They will be very uneven and still a bit sticky! Enjoy the mess! Try not to handle them with your hands. We want to keep as much air pockets inside! Let them rise and spread out for 10 minutes
  5. Butter, oil or spray a griddle (flat griddle or non-stick pan also works), heat to medium low heat. Transfer the dough pieces with a spatula without handling them too much onto the hot griddle and cook, semi covered, for about 2-3 minutes per side, until golden brown.
  6. Transfer cooked rolls onto a wire rack and let them cool half way. Nothing like warm rolls on your table!