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Indian Lamb Curry

Indian Lamb Curry

A good Indian feast begins and ends with a good curry. This is only one of the many many varieties of these wonderful stews. The mix of spices is perfect, giving this meal a warmth that is just what our souls need!

Plus! You are allowed to rip a good piece of naan and sop up those wonderful flavors!

Indian Lamb Curry

This is my go to recipe for Indian curry with the yogurt flare. And… pssst… let me tell you that any meat works here! Beef, chicken, goat, chicken liver… your choice. Bone in or not, you can swap the lamb cutlet with any meat of your choice… The only thing to look out for is cooking times for the meat you decide to use. Beef and chicken will take a little longer to simmer to cook through. Just add more water as it simmers as needed so the sauce does not dry up.

Indian Lamb Curry

Enjoy the feast! Add plain butter or garlic Naan and basmati rice. Check out my recipe for Indian Cashew Rice! Yummmmm!

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