Flavors Around the World

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At the very beginning of our ten year run in Mozambique, I had the opportunity to participate in a very interactive crash course to Indian food, given by none other than the Indian Ambassador’s wife in Maputo. I was so lucky to be a part of this! A handful of ladies led us through the basics to their gorgeously aromatic cuisine. I learned to cook with new techniques and using ingredients in very fun ways.

As part of my various “trainings” through my culinary journey were the eye opening introductions to spices and herbs. And learning how different spices - and various possible combinations of spices - make your tastebuds and nose transport you to amazing corners of the world. Oh my, the voyages!After this experience, and after repeating the recipes in my kitchen, I was so hooked! Obsessed, really. This exploration of flavors, techniques, cuisines and cultures absorbed my whole life! It’s amazing how much a specific cuisine can make you understand so much of a culture in particular.

Touches of the perfect spice gives identity to your favorite cuisine.

Touches of the perfect spice gives identity to your favorite cuisine.

So that which makes a specific cuisine stand out with a single taste or a simple whiff of aromas is boiled down to the perfect combination of spices and herbs. Signature flavors that unmistakably defines dishes from different parts of the world. Here is a simple guide to the spices, condiments and herbs to match your favorite cuisines.


Basic Italian cuisine has such a distinct character, as simple as can be, but so complete in richness and homeyness. It has travelled around the world and across ages maintaining always the familiarity which defines it. Main flavor infusions include:

  • Garlic

  • Oregano

  • Parsley

  • Rosemary

  • Olive Oil…. extra… virgin… olive… oil


Who doesn’t love Asian food! And we can all admit that Chinese is such comfort food. The warm flavors, the aromas and just plain good. And if you can master chopstick, well, there is no better way to eat noodles! These are the most common condiments used in Chinese food:

  • Soy Sauce

  • Oyster Sauce

  • Ginger

  • Garlic

  • Coriander

  • Sesame (seeds or oils)


Thailand is such an amazing country! A culture with so much depth. And as such, it’s food is made with so many levels of flavors. With each bite you can taste each specific component, because one doesn't overpower the rest. On the contrary, they compliment each other and each piece of flavor shows up in your tastebuds. Mix and match these flavors for authentic Thai cuisine:

  • Ginger

  • Lemongrass

  • Chili

  • Coriander

  • Coconut

  • Fish Sauce


The warmth of Indian flavors is like no other I have tasted. No matter what region of India it comes from, this food’s authenticity is un paralleled. The respect and harmony of its flavors can be tasted in every bite. It has become my favorite comfort food. Because… curry… enough said. Take a look at the most classic flavors that are used in Indian cuisine:

  • Garlic

  • Chili

  • Star Anise

  • Cardamom

  • Cloves

  • Cumin

  • Turmeric

  • Tamarind


Sushi comes to mind whenever we think of Japanese food. But, in reality, Japanese cuisines is extremely vast. From soups to rice, to noodles and fish creations. To name all the components of such intricate and delicate food would be writing a book! All I can do is list those basic elements that bring about Japanese flavor and aroma.

  • Ginger

  • Garlic

  • Soy Sauce

  • Sesame

  • Sake

  • Rice Vinegar

  • Wasabi

  • Spring Onion